Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Break Numero Dos

So this has probably been one of the best weeks of the semester. It started out with a trip to California with Justin and family.
 Sadly I need to be better at picture taking and this is the only one I have on my camera. But it was a blast!
Lets see. Weekend highlights:
enjoying the sun. Wearing shorts and being warm! 

played a little of this, and did handstands while looking at the 5 stars we could see.
going back to my 11 yr old self and playing with the pogo stick. yeah i totally could have done that trick.... ; )

practicing our juggling and learning that Justin has mad skills.

playing with these cute girls.

eating tons of delicious homemade mexican food
and of course playing and dancing!
Not to mention quoting the potter puppet pals non-stop, making fun of billboards and each other, and enjoying some quality church time with 6 year olds, and learning all about Easter from them. For example- "Jesus died a long long time ago, it was like in the year 1997!" so funny! 

Then I came back and my mom, Abby, and Oliver were here, and I got to hang out with them everyday! Tuesday I was able to go up to Lisa's Bridal Shower with the whole fam, the girls anyways. Pretty sure everyone thought Abby and I were crazy because we couldn't stop laughing at this one blonde joke, but it is funny! Here you be the judge: "A blonde is talking to her friends and she says, so you know how everyone says blondes are dumb, well not me, Im a smart blonde. so her friend asks why, and she says Cuz i just finished a puzzle and on the box it says 4-6 years, and it only took me 3 days! " hahahaha good one right?!  then Wednesday mom and Abby came down here. We got lunch at Pizza Pie Cafe, then hit up the Nickelcade to play a little laser tag. Oliver kicked our trash, mine and Abby's score combined was still less than his. It was pretty legit tho because it was just us 3 so we were rolling on the ground and jumping over things and stuff. Then all you can eat cereal at the Cannon Center for dinner.. yum! Thursday I headed back up to Salt Lake to hang out at Holly's. I took this game up for us to play.
Okay this happens to be the funniest/most fun wii game ever invented! You watch this girl dance on screen and just copy her moves, which happen to be pretty ridiculous. We got the whole family downstairs dancing and it was the best! We even got my grandpa to move to a little Spice Girls as you can see. Best moment ever! I love my family :)

Yes, and that is why the past 7 days were so awesome. It was like a spring break minus the fact that I still had work and school mixed in there. Oh not to mention Elliott got his mission call to Mexico City, Mexico Northwest? northeast? Leaving july 21. He is really excited and I know he is going to make an awesome missionary! Im hoping to get Spanish speaking as well cuz then we can speak to each other, and we can teach our kids to speak Spanish and then they can talk to each other and bug all the other cousins!

1 comment:

  1. so i finally put a link to your blog on my blog. only to realize that you now have new URL for your new blog. ps. i actually went to your blog though. impressive, i know.
