Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mondays, Scooters, Brothers & Birthdays

Reasons Why I Didn’t have a Case of the Mondays yesterday.

1 – I ate healthy all day long! Fruits, veggies, yum yum yum.

2 - I found a sweet park only a minute away from my work ! Perfect summer lunch time destination. Bring on the sun, blanket, book, swings, and picnics!

3 – New techno/electric Pandora station.

4 – I went to WINCO again. I have been 3 times in the past 4 days, slightly obsessed I kno. BUT I love grocery stores, I love cheap prices, and I love feeling like Im home- winco gives me all 3. Im so happy it opened!

5 – I went longboarding/razor scootering down the canyon last night. Justin and Dusty were on the longboards, I was on the sweet light-up scooter. I had never done that before but I definitely want to make it a weekly adventure. Starry night, smooth pavement, speed, so fun!

In other news its this little boys birthday today!

 I can’t believe my Oliver is 17, so old! Oliver is my favorite sibling when I need to laugh. I think he has the best sense of humor and the one that is most similar to mine so we can really get each other going.

We always joke that we are the same person, and make the same mistakes, and do the same things. That is probably why we are so close. I also love how laid back and chill he can be, and how he can always take a joke. Its awesome. I miss him so much and hope he has an amazing birthday!

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