Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend Recap

This weekend was quite lovely.
a few things i enjoyed.

finding my hidden talent and passion for longboarding
late night talks
playing with a cute 10-month old boy named Alvin (and watching him suck on everything, my knee included)
making new friends
knowing the waiter and getting hooked up at Applebees
playing DDR and winning the jackpot at the Nickelcade
wonderful sunday lessons that pushed me to be better.
coma naps

a few things I could have done without
only sleeping 2 hours Friday night
sleeping through all my Sunday night plans
the cheese in the movie "Did you Hear About the Morgans"
forgetting my camera on all my weekend adventures : (   im working on this, i need to document my life!

I cant even think of anything else i didnt like about this weekend, the list of likes could go on forever tho. not to shabby for emily. 

oh also. yesterday I decided that I am going to work on not partaking of things that are harmful for my body both physically and spiritually. ie. junk foods, candy, fast foods, then also things like excessive amounts of movies, hulu, music exc. Instead im going to be eating fruits, veggies, whole grains, chicken. etc -- and then spending more of my time running, being outdoors, hanging with friends, reading the scriptures etc. I think this will greatly improve the slight funk i have been in lately. : )


  1. Dear Em,
    I think I want to be you when I grow up.

  2. Those Sunday lessons did the same for me :)
